Garnier Deodorant Mineralite

I do not usually rave about deodorant but I have to rave about this!

I popped into Boots for my weekly splurge of beauty!

The boots I went to was absolutely tiny (not good for my brain but good for my pursington!).

I ran to the clearance stall and saw the newest Garnier Mineralite deodorant for 50p. i grabbed two. I thought three might be pushing it! 

The two i grabbed were silky smooth and sensitive. I love them! They have lasted for 48 hours just as it said on the label!

Love it! Other deos I have tried haven’t been nearly as good as this one!


LittleMissCutiePie xoxoxo

Love this!

I just wanted to thank you YEAH YOU! For reading my blog! it means soooo much to me. seriously….. I know it what everyone says but I really do put a lot of effort into making my blog posts the best they can be xxx


Makeup has never been my strong point. I try to do it once, feel amazing and then can’t be asked to do it again.

It just seems like such a chore. I have no time at all for homework and other things so sooner or later I just forget about it all together. my skin looks alright even without foundation. mascara? Do I really need it? Eyeliner I would rather not look like a panda! Plus it takes ages!

Blusher? Oh i don’t know I have to STOP rambling. Maybe its just not my time yet!

But then again (when I realise what I am  accs supposed to be writing about) I have discovered MUA products in Superdrug!

Cheap, cheerful and pigmented with good quality and nice prices! Weeeeellll, what  is not to like, eh?eh?

So yeah go MUA!

I am currently using the lipgloss and elt marker (both one pound!)


Comment on what your fave MUA product is?

Sooner or later…

Sooner or later…

I knew that I would eventually start dressing like an actual teenager. And I would have to drop baby pink collars for a while.

Come in crop tees and high-waisted jeans, crop tops, slogan t-shirts, high-waisted cool trainers, studs, leather jackets and of course the trademark beanie hat!

well lets just say… I have just done it. I have jumped on the bandwagon once and for all! Don’t worry my cutesie pie style will come back soon too! PINKY PROMISE!XXXXX

Collar Dresses

Collar dresses may seem more likely for summer but teamed with tights and a lovely high-necked jumper ( with the collar peeking out) they are brill for winter too!

They look super cute with ankle  boots too and a  long chain! Love it! LOVE IT!

You don’t have to wear jeans and high-necked jumpers to keep warm. You can still be fashionable in winter!

Bring on the bobble hats!